Water Underground

Welcome to the Dahlke Research Lab. We study water above and below ground.
Its beneficial use, quality and fate. For a sustainable water future for all.

Latest Publications

Kourakos, G., Harter, T. and Dahlke, H.E., 2024. Ichnos: A universal parallel particle tracking tool for groundwater flow simulations. SoftwareX, 28, p.101893.

In this paper we describe Ichnos, a particle tracking code able to work with flow simulations obtained from either finite difference, finite element, adaptive mesh, or mesh free methods. Ichnos can trace virtual particles (streamlines) in flow fields of any fluid dynamics context, but its application is here focused on groundwater-based flow fields.

Zhou, T., Ruud, N., Šimůnek, J., Brunetti, G., Levintal, E., García, C.P. and Dahlke, H.E., 2024. The impact of agricultural managed aquifer recharge on the fate and transport of pesticides in the unsaturated zone. Water Research, p.122442.

This study employs a physically based unsaturated flow model to determine the fate and transport of residues of four pesticide in three vadose zone profiles characterized by differing fractions of sand (41 %, 61 %, and 84 %) in California’s Central Valley.